
Diving in Palau

I had an opportunity to dive at Palau with Sayeed (Outbound SCUBA) and a group of really wonderful people. The highlight of the trip was supposed to be the spawning of red snappers on the full moon days. I got severe reverse block ( and mild sinal barotrauma) on the day before the spawning dives. I sat out the last 4 days of diving.

I am now resolved to go back to Palau and photograph the spawnings - red snappers on full moon and the bumphead parrot fish on new moon.

Sharks, Mantas, Wrecks and others
Sharks, Mantas, Wrecks and others

45 photos

Just Mantas
Just Mantas

20 photos

Fellow Divers
Fellow Divers

12 photos

Macro Photograhy
Macro Photograhy

11 photos